AstraZeneca Admits Covidshield Vaccine May Have Side Effects….




British Pharma giant  AstraZeneca,  has admitted  that the Covidsheild vaccine can cause a rare side effect known asThrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS), a condition that leads to blood clots and low platelet  the count, the vaccine  maker has said in the court documents



Covidsheild developed bty AstraZeneca and Oxford University during the pandemic, was produced by the Securm institute of India and widely administered in the country


AstraZeneca is currently facing a class action lawsuit in the UK  due to claims  that its vaccine cause deaths and serve injuries, the UK government  which has secured AstraZeneca from legal action, is yet to intervene this matter


TTS manifest  qwith symptoms such as severe headache, shortness of breathe, abnominal pain, leg swellingn and neurological deficits, diagnosis involves blood tests to assets platelet levels and imaging studies  to detect blod cloths.


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