International Women's Day 2024? History, Significance and More.....


International Women's Day celebrated on March 8, is a global occassion to honour the achievements of women, regonise their contributions to society and promoted gender equality.

History Of Internationl Women's Day....

The origin of International Women Day originated early 20th century by women's movements advocating for better rights, and social equality. The first National Woman's Day observed in United States on February 28, 1909 in the ear of Cold War. The first International Women's Day being celebrated in 1911 by over a million people across Austria, Germany, Denmark and Switerzerland.

A gathering of women and man rallied in the streets, calling for a women surffage, improving working conditions and end to a gender bias.  

Over a years International Women's Day become a renowed occassion in many countries. Russia has markerd national holiday as International Women's Day.

International Women's Day represents the quintessence of feminst movements that reshaped the social order all across the world and the Indian sub-continent.

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