Assam:Nabbed for Killing Migratory Birds Near Kaziranga National Park...



On March 13, In a tragic incident, a group of miscreants a number of migratory birds were found dead in the Rangsali area, near Kaziranga National Park , falling under the jurisdiction  of the Barang forest office in the Biswanath division.  

According to the reports, authorities the District Forest Officer (DFO), will take a legal actions against the culprits, the accused were nabbed in a late night operations on March 12 by the Assam Forest Departments officials.

The accussed individuals ifdentified as Dadul Borah alias Khoni aged 28, from Rangsali Dalani, Basanta Pradhan aged 35 from Sadhu Basti, and Bubu Saikia  aged 45, from Rangsali Dalani. They were detained in the illegal killing of wildlife.
