Maghir Purnima, all you need to know...

Maghir Purnima

On February 24, the full moon day is known as Purnima in the traditional Hindu Calender, and the Purnima of the Tithi monthi is referred to as Magh Purnima. The full moon day of great significant because it is believed to be a perfect day of organising the Satyanayaran Puja or the puja of the Ista Devotee. On this day, people observe a vrat and break it only after sighting the moon. People also get involved in various types of religious and spiritual activity. They perform various puja on this day. 

People bathe in the Ganga or Yammuna in the early morning during the month of Magh.

According to Drik Panhang, this year the significant Hindu occasion of Magha Purnima 2024 and will observed on Saturday, February 24.

Magh Purnima 2024 Tithi and Date of Timing 

Purnima Tithi Begins- 03:33 PM on February 23,2024

Purnima Tithi Ends- 05:59 PM on February 24,2024

Purnima, or a full moon, is when the moon is bestows its blessings on the planet through its rays.This is an excellent day to vist scared sites, bathe in the Ganges and perform any pujas offered to Lord Vishnu and Guru Brihaspati.

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