Indonesia to demolish football stadium where crush killed 133

Indonesian football match

On October 130 people were killed in violence in the middle of an Indonesian football match. Indonesia no longer wants to keep that terrible memory alive. So the government of the country wants to completely destroy the football stadium. This was disclosed by an Indonesian government spokesperson.

During a league match in Malang, Indonesia, a fierce beating started inside the stadium. The situation went out of control. 130 people were killed in the stampede. Indonesian President Joro Widododo does not want to keep memories of such incidents alive. He said that in a football-crazy country, there is a need to radically reform the safety aspect of the game. With that purpose, the stadium where 130 people were killed will be demolished and a new one will be built in its place.

Widodo is holding a meeting with FIFA chief Gianni Infantino on the issue. "We will completely destroy the Kanzuruhan Stadium in Malang," Widodo said. After that, we will build a new stadium there while maintaining the standards set by FIFA. "I and the PRESIDENT of FIFA have agreed that there is a need to rebuild the trend of Indonesian football. Every step has to be made in accordance with FIFA rules. FIFA President Infantino said, "Indonesia is a football crazy country. Football is a sport of interest for 100 million people here. When people go to watch sports, it is our responsibility to ensure their safety. ''

On 1 October, club Arema and Parchibaya Surabaya played in the Indonesian Football League. In the match held in Malang Region, East Java, Arema won 3-2. After that, the two groups clashed with each other. In some videos, all of your followers can be seen playing at the end of the game just before 10 o'clock in the night. In the course of the work, The Guard was trying to stop the agitated sympathizers. Our supporters were involved in a clash with the security forces. 

Police used tear gas to control the situation. As many as 130 people died in the stampede.

The incident took place when many people tried to go out of the stadium together. At least 34 people were killed on the spot. The others later died on the way to the hospital or while undergoing treatment at the hospital.
