At the age of 5, bear tore a hand while going for a zoo, today made history by winning a medal at the Para Olympics.

At the age of 5, bear tore a hand while going for a zoo, today made history by winning a medal at the Para Olympics.

At the age of 5, bear tore a hand while going for a zoo, today made history by winning a medal at the Para Olympics.

Having courage in mind can make all impossible possible. A player raised his standards. Who has managed to overcome his weakness essaying the medal at the ongoing Para Olympics.

This time the men's table has managed to claim a silver medal in the tennis competition. A major accident took place in the life of that player. The tragedy was reported in the country as well as in the international media.

Once at the age of 5, while going for a trip to the zoo, a bear accidentally sticks a hand to the roll. For which the little 5-year-old had a hand torn off by the same bite as he was destroying his peace.

Then he broke down mentally but again concentrated on table tennis by saving energy in his mind and making that game life forward. As a result, Ma Lin This time he won a silver medal at the Para Olympics for Australia.

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