A recent study reveals skrinking of the Y chromosome a key factor in determing male sex, this reduction come arise questions about the human reproduction, witjh the potential for the Y chromosome to disappear altogether, but this could result in a world where only girls will be born.
A 2-year old research paper that was published in proceeings in the National Academy Science shows how that spiny rat has evolved a new male determining gene
The scientist have been working on this subject and have confirmed that the Y chromosome crucial for male development and its shrinking eventually will disappear
Professor Jenny Graves, an experts of genetics explains that Y chromosome's in platypus the XY pair is just an oridinary chromosome with two equal members that too X and Y an ordinary pair of chromosomes not that too long.
Y chromosome has lost 900 to 55 actives genes that the 166 million years that humans and platypus has been evolved seperately.
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