Sixteen Year old Becomes Youngest Indian to Scale Mount Everest...


Sixteen-year-old Kaamya Karthikeyan hads become the youngest Indian mountaineer to scale the Mt Everest from the Nepal side, the Indian Navy  nnounced on Thursday, a class 12 student at Navay Children School, Mumbai and her father Cdr S Karthikeyan successsfully sumitted Mt. Everest (8,849 m) on May 20.

Kaamya's accomplishment is the latest in a series of impressive feats . She has completed six milesstones in her mission to summit the hihgest peaks of all seven continents, her  next goal is to tackle Mount Vinson Mssif in Antarctica this December, aiming to become the youngest girl to complete the "7 Summits challenge"

"Indian Navy wishes young Kaamya the very brest in her aspiration to summit the highest peaks of all seven continents, becoming the youngest girl to do so. #7SummitsChallenge", the Navy added.
