IIT Guwahati Launches India's Largest Remote Pilot Training Orgainsation...


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)Guwahati in collaboration with EduRde, a brand owned by RC HobbyTech Solutions Pvt Ltd,and incubated at IIT Research Park, havr launched India's largest Remote Pilot Training Organization (RPTO)spanning across 18 acres and boasting capability to fly nine midium-class drones simultaneously.

'The primary objective of this RPTO is to promote advancement of drone technology in India., the institute said in the statement.

Additionally, with the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to establish in India as a global drone hub by 2030, it will also cater especially to women frim self-help groups (SGH's) engaged in agriculture, identified as 'Namo Drone Didi'Yogna initative .

Initally, the RPTO will introduce a Directorate General of a Civil Aviation (DGCA)- certified Medium Class Drone Pilot Training Course. This certification will authorize them to legally operate drones and purse a career as Certified Drone Pilots, the institute said.

IIT,Guwahati is currently hosting a ground breaking drone training initative taliored for diverse defense personnel. This innovation of three-months training program, a first-of-its-kind, is specifically designed for Junior Commisioned Officers (JCO's)and other officers, aming to modernize the operations of the armed forces.

The programme emphasise comprehensive training on various aspects of drone technologies, software operations, including pilot training, and aplications.

The IIT-RPTO plan to launch a diverse range of drine based courses aimed at catering various kills levels and interest , thereby ensuring comprehensive education and upskilling opporunities for individuals and stated that.
